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Absence #24. Perelmania.Interface of Infinity

Two interlinked tori create a 3D geometric object in the form of the number 8 – i.e., the sign of infinity. In my Interface of infinity series, the "face" is the actual face of the prominent mathematician Grigori Perelman, who has made an immense contribution to the geometric analysis of this object. I have used the tiled photographs of Perelman as a mapping wrapped around the surface of a 3D model of the infinity sign. In my project, the mathematician and his discoveries are merged into one, turning into a symbol of the infinite multidimensionality of the world. On the road to coming to grips with this multidimensionality, some outstanding individuals – geniuses – become guides for the rest of humanity.


1. Digital Print.. Variable size

2. Digital Print.. Variable size

3. Digital Print.. Variable size

4. Digital Print.. Variable size

5. Digital Print.. Variable size

6. Digital Print.. Variable size

7. Digital Print.. Variable size

8. Digital Print.. Variable size

9. Digital Print.. Variable size

10. Digital Print.. Variable size

11. Digital Print.. Variable size

12. Digital Print.. Variable size

13. Digital Print.. Variable size

14. Digital Print.. Variable size

15. Digital Print.. Variable size

16. Print.. Variable size

  Copyright © Galina Bleikh, 2020